A NJ Non-Profit Company 501 c(3)

Student Work
This page highlights some of the work students have been producing in our Spring 2024 Journalism and Mentorship program. This program was supported by a grant from the New Jersey Civic Information Consortium.
Studio Workshop
IMA Journalism and Media Production Students, along with mentors met and collaborated at a new media production studio in Eatontown NJ. This studio was developed and built by a two time Emmy nominated NBC employee. Students were able to participate in writing, recording, and managing a "live-to-tape" setup and switch/directing of a podcast.

Industry Media Arts TV

News Video Projects
Students wrote, interviewed, recorded, and edited original video news projects. More samples coming soon.

Video Editing Scripts
Students learned how to select sound bites from interviews, b-roll, and write an original edit script.
Video News Scripts
Students learned how to select sound bites from interviews, b-roll, and write an original script for a short news segment.
Ganeev - Struggles of Being an Immigrant and Religious Minority in the Workplace

From writing to researching and recording, students each chose a topic to report on. In this unit, students learned how to produce original podcasts. Some samples are original recordings not yet edited.
Podcasting Scripts
Student scripts and outlines developed prior to recording and editing.

Audio Editing
Prior to recording and editing an original podcast, students first learned how to tell a story by selecting sound bites and creating a promotional audio edit.

Audio Editing Scripts
Prior to recording their first podcast, students learned how to identify sound bites and write a script around an existing podcast. Below are some student produced scripts.
Video Editing
Students learned to use non-linear edit systems to edit stock footage. This unit provided students with interview and b-roll footage for them to practice writing a story, selecting sound bites, selecting b-roll, and editing a final short video.